Web Design vs. Graphic Design : Best Career, Jobs, Salary

Which is better, graphic design or web design? Web design and Graphic design have many similarities, but still, both fields are different. Graphic designing and web designing are both different courses and provide you with different levels of education. Graphic designers are experts who use text, images, and other media to convey information by marketing materials and print advertisements.

On the other hand, web designers are experts who plan and arrange the visual elements of the website. They also collaborate the content with visual materials. Even graphic designers and web designers play with arts and visuals, but both fields are different. There are various differences between these aspects. Read this blog to learn about web designing vs graphic designing.

What is graphic design?

Graphic design makes a specialty of conversation by using pictures, videos, and typography to offer a concept. There are various graphic designers who are work in print industry. However, you can discover them in digital industries in which they assist with different graphic design responsibilities, along with growing social media posts. They use structure techniques, visible arts, and typography to create appealing visual compositions.

What is web design?

Web design consists of building a website and creating its aesthetic, performance, and maintenance. With every website development skill, web designers focus on extraordinary aspects of customer experience, SEO, standardizing codes, wireframe designs, and the right image and content in the business industry. To gain the best career results, they must have knowledge of graphic design. It is vital for them to understand the structure, typography, hierarchy, and color concepts to create attractive websites.

Who earns more, a web designer or a graphic designer?

Can a web designer be a graphic designer? On average, web designers earn more than graphic designers. Web designers create interactive websites and are often careers in coding, user experience (UX), and responsive design. In comparison, graphic designers focus on visual factors for print and digital media, together with trademarks, posters, and classified ads.

While both job positions offer competitive salaries, web designers’ technical understanding and the high demand for for web development results in highest salary. However, experience, place, and skills level affects the salary of both careers.

Major Differences Between web designing and graphic designing

Here are the key differences on web designing vs graphic designing

  • Graphic design and web design use different skills

Both web and graphic design require innovative thinking however in different approaches. Web designers want to know how to program as well as a way to use apps that guide web development. Coding is required to become a successful web designer.

Graphic designers must have the understanding of color idea, visual hierarchy, typography, and more. They spend huge time in creative programs by using the technical equipment and strategies to color a photo to attracts  target market.

  • Web design is dynamic, even as graphic design is static

Both graphic design and web design draw viewers into a structure to tell a story or carry a message. But there are differences in how customers have interaction with every design.

Web design is interactive. Users click on buttons and navigate by websites. A web designer’s job is technical. Websites need to adapt and exchange, so web designers need to ensure a website displays cutting-edge design standards while retaining a logo’s specific options.

  • Graphic design and web design have specific technical limitations

In nearly every practice, there are technical barriers, even extra creative ones, together with web and graphic design. Web design is concerned with loading times and file sizes to ensure websites appear appealing.

Web designers want to keep the fonts they use because if a user doesn’t have the specific font, the website can not show effectively. This is why web designer will use a font stack, which gives you various font options to pick out from.

  • Graphic designers and web designers collaborate in a different way

Web designers often want to work with web developers, who assist designers understand the tips and technical barriers in their work. Developers help web designers’ to execute their job by code. Meanwhile, whilst different people can also have input, graphic designers are generally the only ones developing and designing their work. They conceive of and perform the work for the visible content.

Graphic Design Web Design
Meaning Graphic Design is all about appearance and visuals Web Design is to improve the user experience.
Objective Graphic Design decides the foundation of any project. Web design supports the foundation of the project.
Function Graphic Designers are responsible for the appearance of things Web Designers are responsible to design and build websites
Material Media The output can be in different materials like paper, Cloth, etc. The output can only appear on screen, like websites.
Interaction It consists of static compositions. It consists of interactive elements on websites or web applications
Layout Considerations Graphic designers can use templates or grids but do not design for dynamic layouts. Web designers work by considering the essential factors such as screen resolutions, responsiveness across devices, and user flow when designing layouts.
Technical Skills Graphic designers do not need coding knowledge. Web designers must have knowledge of HTML, CSS, and other web development languages to create functional and responsive designs.


Graphic designing vs web designing salary

Which is better, graphic design or web design? The average annual salary for graphic designers in India is Rs 3.5 lakhs, while the average annual salary for web designers is Rs 4.2 lakhs. However, the Graphic designing vs web designing salary can also vary on basis of some factors includes your experience level, location, education, industry, and company size.


Web design and graphic design are related however they’re not the same. Both skill sets are similarly crucial in creating an engaging web presence that communicates the right message about logos to your customers. Depending on the needs as a industry, it’s crucial to know how those types of design vary with a view to understand the client’s need and expectation. Both Graphic Design and Web Design collaborate closely to create user-friendly designs.

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