NIOS Releases 2024 Class 10, Class 12 Practical Exam Time Table

National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS), Practical Exams, Exam Time Table, NIOS Board Exams 2024, NIOS Practical Exam Admit Cards
The National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) has published the timetable for the NIOS Class 10 and Class 12 Practical Exams 2024. Aspiring candidates for the NIOS Board Exams 2024 can access and download their exam schedules from the official website – Additionally, candidates can obtain their NIOS Practical Exam Admit Cards from the same website using their login credentials.
The release of the practical exam timetable was officially announced by NIOS through a notice on its website. According to the notice, the examinations will take place at Accredited Institutions (AIs) both in India and abroad where students are enrolled. The NIOS 10th and 12th Practical Exams 2024 are scheduled to occur from March 11 to March 27, 2024.
The official NIOS notice states, “All the Practical Examinations will be held at the respective AIs where candidates enrolled during the admission unless otherwise notified by the concerned Regional Centre (cancelled/non-functional AIs). For details, please contact the AI/Regional Centre in advance.” It further advises candidates to communicate with the Centre Superintendent/Coordinator of AIs well in advance to ascertain the specified dates and the batch allotted to them for the practical exams, as they are conducted in small batches.